lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

This things happen

Hey myself !

Ok, i've seen that i'm not able to keep writing in this blog on a daily basis, so i'll write if i remember and if i want to. It doesn't matter because i'm the only one who reads it.
This post is weird. I've just read everything i written almost a year ago and... I've changed. My mind and my tougths hadn't, but in some way i've changed.
I'm still an isecure person, but every day i'm getting older, and every day i'm discovering what i really want to do with my life. I still want to be an actor, i still think that i'm different form the rest of my family. I can't upload a picture of Kurt and Blaine (gay couple on Glee) on my cover photo on FB because my brother says it's gay. WHAT'S THE MATTER of being gay ? Will you die if you are gay? Of course not ! Why should gay people be different or weird, why aren't them well accepted by some people in our society ?

I don't feel like writing anymore for today... Hope to write soon, let's see if i remember and if i'm up to. I don't know why but writing here always fels good, and the funny thing is that i'm writing for myself ! Every word comes out from my head, but it feels like a breath of pure air to read these sentences.

I'm sure one day i'll be the guy I really am. So if you can, be yourself and be proud of who you are.

Picture: Not me, but i like his style.

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

In my Face.

Hey everyone !

Sorry for not writing last week... I know, you're waiting to see what happened on the meeting... If you want to know the truth, it didn't happen very much. The good thing about it was that my teacher got to meet my mom, and saw how she is. My mother, as you suppose, is a super conservative, "20th century" person. I'm not saying that being this way is not right (anybody can be who he/she wants to) but it is not like i would like to. So retaking what i was saying, my teacher saw that my mother has some "classic" ideas that doesn't really fit my personality and my thoughts. After the meeting, she (teacher) understood everything. 
That meeting was on tuesday, and i didn't really interact on it, but i had some things to say. AND FINALLY that thursday i told my mum that i wanted to be an actor and study drama. REACTION: Oh really ? Do you know you're not going to earn a living doing this ? I don't like this idea, but you still have another whole year of high school to think about it... WTF ! and this is not the worst. After this amazing support to me, she spent all weekend whispering to my whole family about it. While i was walking through the house i was hearing: what do you think about mike and (bla, bla, bla...)
Every day gets "better".. but i'm kind of used to it.

Picture: my profile picture on FB (my family told me that i look like a fag, IN MY FACE)

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

Writing at 0:49 am

OMG ! I can't stop crying with Glee ! Crying of joy and happines =) Seeing New Directions win nationals has made me drop aprox 1000000 tears p. second. And the best moment of the episode it's when they arrive at school and everybody is waiting for them... just beautiful ! 

I have news, fresh news ! My dearest readers... You have to know that next Tuesday i'm having a meeting with my teacher and my mother. That means that the truth will be revealed ! I'll probably have to explain everything to everyone, and that's tough. But let's face it.. i'd have had to say it some day, and i think that'll be the right time, because my teacher will be there supporting me (hopefully). The weird thing is that i'm not nervous or anything like that.. if i hadn't been able to talk to my mum about me, why i'm not nervous now ? You know what? I have the answer... Because Glee gives me strength to do it LOL !! Hey don't laugh because it's true ! I feel lots of things when i'm watching Glee. I see myself in every single member of the cast...  
So I'll keep you informed about all this stuff ! 

Hope you liked this week's post !

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

I'm Back !

Hi followers !

I'm so so sorry (as Rachel Berry said when she couldn't sing "don't rain on my parade" again for her NYADA audition) i haven't posted anything since Feb. 16
You know these things happen... at the begining you're super inspired and you have plenty of ideas and things to tell, but a little bit after, you forget about it and you don't know what to write. But I'm back ! And i promise i'll try to post more regularly (maybe once a week). Ok so now it's time for news:

- Remember i had to start forming myself as an actor? I haven't started yet... I keep thinking i have to but i haven't been able to talk about it at home (don't ask me why, it's just because i'm stupid...)
- I don't remember if i told you about it, but my hip hop show is coming ! on June 17 i'm going to be performing a great coreography in front of a group of people (i don't say a lot of people 'cause it isn't true) and i'm so excited !
- OMG i have to say Kurt was amazing on his audition for NYADA, i haven't seen that perfection on any glee performance ever ! but i'm really sad for Rachel, she was born to be a star and now she won't go to NYADA... well, we still don't know... What do you think, will she finally be admitted in  NYADA ?

I'm so happy to be back guys, hope you like it too ! =)

Today i'm not only posting this video for the song, i'm posting it for the images too. So check out how amazing is Kurt on stage!:

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012

Step - 1

Hi Guys !!

As the Title says I've made 1 step ! I've talked to my teacher about lots of things... you know... marks, stop talking during the class... and of course what i wanna do with my future ! And here comes the big deal. I thought she would tell me that i have to study more, harder, but NO Guess what she told me.. 
- You have a bigger problem Mike, you don't really have to care about school, i mean , you have to keep working as good as you've been doing, maybe a little bit more, but you have to start forming yourself as an actor !-. i haven't known what to say. It's amazing how a simple person as your teacher can open your eyes and your mind like this. I knew i had to do this step up, but i didn't know when... 
She has also told me that i have to let it know. I don't have to be "afraid"  to let people know what i want to do and who i really am.

PD: I've also cutted my hair ! Pictures soon =)

Thank You Maite ! =)

Song: This song is very special for me, makes me feel stronger:

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

Change - MY NEW ME

I'm fed up ! And this week I started like a personal project. I like to call it MY NEW ME. The goal of this project is do what i want to do. I don't care about other opinions, i'm doing what i want. And this means: 

- I'm changing my haircut. I'm gonna cut my hair the way i really want, and i know my family won't like it, but i    don't care. Check out image.
- I'm going shopping soon. I have to buy more super-skinny jeans and i want to change my closet.
- I'm being myself ! I've never felt better about myself , i feel FREE.

These are some of the things i have in my "to do list" of the project. I'm very happy about me and i'm very happy because today (2/2/2012) the blog is 1 month old !! Thank you friend and followers !
The person who inspired me is j1mmyb0bba (youtube name) check out his channel :


domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

Wait for the right time.

I don't know what is happening to me, but i'm sick of bear my family, specially my mother.
She criticizes the way i dress, the way i comb my hair.... looks like everything i do is wrong. 
Right now i'm closed in my room trying to study Hitler and nazism. It's a sunny morning  and i'm closed in my room... great... I'm used to study in the afternoon (so i'm doing nothing, well writing here ), and i'm just thinking in all the things i have to hear about me at home. Most of them aren't bad, but i can't handle it. Why don't they let me do MY things MY way.! The only way to stop this is leaving home. Lately i've been thinking a lot about this. Leaving home and never come back. I would really like to go  to the USA, a lot of people tell me that i should be born in america, but i'm spanish. The problem is that i'm only 16 and i can't leave home now, i'll have to wait... Another problem is that i'm "afraid"  of talking to my mother about how i feel, you know my problem with insecurity...
The only person who understands me is my father. We have never talked a lot together, but now i'm getting used to it. Last week i told him about my idea of being an actor, and he totally understood me, and that is great.
Thank you Paula Quilez for listening to me.

jueves, 5 de enero de 2012


I feel like a loser. Yes, LIKE A LOSER.
I've always tried to be known at school, but now i realize i'm as loser as everyone is. When i was a little bit younger, a lot of people judged me because i only had girl friends, and i still have them. A lot of boys said i was a gay, faggot and all the possible synonyms. This has made me stronger, but I've had very bad moments at school. Thank god of my friends, they helped me a lot. They are sometimes even better than my family. When I have a problem i just have to call my best friend and she makes all my problems disappear. I appreciate her a lot. 
Now a days i still feel like a loser. Couple days ago i met a friend and we took some pictures at the beach. I upload them on facebook but i had to custom my privacy to hide the pictures from my family. I know they will criticize me if they see the pictures. I don't know why i feel insecure about myself. I like the pictures and i'm not embarrassed to show them to people, but with my family its different, i feel insecure and i don't like it. 
I thought i was someone, but i'm just an insecure loser who is afraid of showing himself to his family. Maybe i sometimes look weird, but i'm not gay. And i like the way i am

CAMERON MITHCELL is the one who inspired me for this post and made me see who i am. Thank You.

lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

Not a Good Beginning.

Hey someone!

I'm very excited about this blog and this idea. =) Here goes my first post !
This title shows all i want to say. If you have read the introduction, you probably know i love Glee. Glee inspires me a lot. I'm always listening to its music, following the actors on twitter... The point is, today I've been talking with some friends about me and my "glee disease" and i told them about my idea of being an actor. It couldn't be worse. After ruin my hope about this, a girl said, get ready: Well almost all the actors are hot so you should go to a plastic surgeon... This was obviously a joke, but it felt really bad to me. I of course know i'm not hot at all, but... I don't know, it just felt bad. I have to say that other people, real FRIENDS, supported me.

This is it for today !
In every post i'll try to add a link or a name of a song which i think that fits with the post.
Today is : Born This Way (i'm a big fan of lady gaga too) I think this song is perfect for today. I know i'm not a hot guy, but i like myself and i think this is very important.