jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

In my Face.

Hey everyone !

Sorry for not writing last week... I know, you're waiting to see what happened on the meeting... If you want to know the truth, it didn't happen very much. The good thing about it was that my teacher got to meet my mom, and saw how she is. My mother, as you suppose, is a super conservative, "20th century" person. I'm not saying that being this way is not right (anybody can be who he/she wants to) but it is not like i would like to. So retaking what i was saying, my teacher saw that my mother has some "classic" ideas that doesn't really fit my personality and my thoughts. After the meeting, she (teacher) understood everything. 
That meeting was on tuesday, and i didn't really interact on it, but i had some things to say. AND FINALLY that thursday i told my mum that i wanted to be an actor and study drama. REACTION: Oh really ? Do you know you're not going to earn a living doing this ? I don't like this idea, but you still have another whole year of high school to think about it... WTF ! and this is not the worst. After this amazing support to me, she spent all weekend whispering to my whole family about it. While i was walking through the house i was hearing: what do you think about mike and (bla, bla, bla...)
Every day gets "better".. but i'm kind of used to it.

Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8OpA_f4DtM
Picture: my profile picture on FB (my family told me that i look like a fag, IN MY FACE)

1 comentario:

  1. Ooohh, Mikiii, això no m'ho havies esplicat!!! Pq no m'ho vas esplicar?? Vale, pos el dilluns me lo cuentas todo, i havera que tal et va aquest finde.... SORT!!:D
